Going green
Below is the list of ways our community is committed to being "green" this year.
1. 5 minute showers or less!
2. Save water washing dishes and clohting
3. Turn off lights when you leave a room
4. Compost
5. Vegetable garden
6. Walk or ride bikes
7. Car pool
8. Cook together
9. Eat less meat
10. Plant lime tree
11. Use non-chemical cleaning agents
12. Electricity free day
13. Carbon footprint
14. Set water heater to a timer
15. Place brick in each toilet tank to reduce water use
1. 5 minute showers or less!
2. Save water washing dishes and clohting
3. Turn off lights when you leave a room
4. Compost
5. Vegetable garden
6. Walk or ride bikes
7. Car pool
8. Cook together
9. Eat less meat
10. Plant lime tree
11. Use non-chemical cleaning agents
12. Electricity free day
13. Carbon footprint
14. Set water heater to a timer
15. Place brick in each toilet tank to reduce water use
A bunch of folk from our church are doing a carbon fast for lent...unfortunately I didn't make it past the day that I was meant to purchase draught excluders...baaaagh.
I'm inspired now to plant a lime tree.
Thanks for the carbon link, Jenny. An interesting thing to give up for Lent!